Top 10 Money Saving Tips For 2020

30 January 2020

Top 10 Money Saving Tips For 2020



Our Top 10 Money Saving Tips For 2020

Money saving tips you need to know this year! The team at SMB have grouped together to gather our best tried and tested money saving tips! Tips on how to keep your spending in check and maybe save some dollar here and there.



Money Saving Tip 1

Make your own coffee in a reusable coffee cup!

Not only is this good for the environment, but also for your bank balance! Delicious coffees can add up, so make yours at home and take it out with you.

Est. daily savings: $4

Est. monthly savings: $48



Money Saving Tip 2

Park further away from the city and walk some of your commute

You’ll feel the health benefits too! Walking is great for heart health and reducing stress levels.

Est. daily savings: $5

Est. monthly savings: $100



Money Saving Tip 3

Don’t go food shopping when you’re hungry!

This is a dangerous venture… if you’re hungry (or worse, hangry) when shopping you are more likely to indulge and forget your nicely planned list.

Est. daily savings: $10

Est. monthly savings: $280



Money Saving Tip 4

Know your money! Create a weekly & monthly budget to help understand your funds

There are many ways to create an easy template for budgeting, in your phone, on excel, or using a free budgeting tool. We like the easy budgeting tool by Live sorted. Check it out here.

Est. weekly savings: $25

Est. monthly savings: $100



Money Saving Tip 5

Hit the second-hand op shops! Revamp your style to save you money

In these days of climate action and trying to help reduce, reuse, recycle… what better way to help our planet than by recycling clothes! Avoid the big pricey labels and get cool one-off vintage pieces you can’t find in the shops!

Est. weekly savings: $25

Est. monthly savings: $100



Money Saving Tip 6

Put your loose change in a piggy bank

When you get loose change for various things, pop it into a piggy bank! You can save up pretty rapidly without really noticing a hole in your funds. Save your change for a rainy day, a weekend away or an experience you wouldn’t usually have budget for.

Est. weekly savings: $10

Est. monthly savings: $40

Est. yearly savings: $480



Money Saving Tip 7

Meal prep your week to keep a healthy balanced diet & food budget

Not just good for your bank balance, but also good for your health! Meal prepping can save you valuable time and money, and give you chance to prepare healthier meals.

Est. weekly savings: $40

Est. monthly savings: $160



Money Saving Tip 8

Look for voucher codes when shopping and check coupon sites

When you are shopping for something new, be sure to check sites such as Facebook Marketplace to see if you can secure a second-hand option cheaper. Alternatively, you can check voucher code sites and find coupon codes that could take some dollar off your purchase!

Est. weekly savings: $10

Est. monthly savings: $40



Money Saving Tip 9

Do the $5 challenge! Save a $5 note each week a week and save…

Can you do it!? Try the $5 dollar challenge and save money each week. Just one $5 note a week can give you $260 a year!

Est. weekly savings: $5

Est. monthly savings: $260



Money Saving Tip 10

Consider renting a spare room on Airbnb

Do you have a spare room that you barely use? Try renting it out to a flatmate of on Airbnb. There is secondary earning potential here for sure.

Est. monthly savings: $1100

Est. yearly savings: $13,200