Money Saving Tips For Winter

25 June 2020

Money Saving Tips For Winter

Money Saving Tips for winter

Money Saving Tips for Winter! To keep your energy bills down, here are some great energy saving tips to help you stay toasty this Winter ❄️

  1. Check your heating system- air insulate and seal your home to prevent heat escaping/cold entering your home

  1. Use a smarter thermostat- reduce heat waste by using a programmable thermostat 

  1. Let there be light!- Naturally heat your home during the day by opening the South facing curtains 

  1. Weather-proof your windows- during winter up to 30% of your heat can escape through windows, upgrade to double glazing or to save money add a clear plastic film, this can save you up to 14% on your heating bill!

  1. Wrap up warm!- this may seem obvious, but to save on energy bills, rocking your winter wardrobe indoors can keep you warm without the cost! 

  1. Swap old light bulbs for LEDS- LED bulbs use 75% less energy than traditional bulbs, which can lead to huge savings on your energy bill! 

  1. Do away with drafts!- be careful, the Winter chill can seep in under doors, through windows and even through electrical outlets. Install weather stripping and proper insulation to keep the cold at bay. Grab some door insulators to beat drafts on a budget. 

  1. Unplug electrical appliances- even turned off these appliances can use up energy! 

We hope this helps you save some well earnt dollars this Winter. Stay safe out there!