A Payday Loan service with a high approval rate, try SaveMyBacon!
We at SaveMyBacon.co.nz have a high payday loan approval rate, but that doesn't mean we lend money to everyone. We make sure that you can afford the loan you apply for.
This is really important to us, as we have our potential customers' financial wellbeing at the heart of all our loan decisions. We don't want to offer you a short term loan when you have a long term debt problem. We are looking out for you.
Not only do we have a high approval rate for our loans, but our satisfaction rate is also sky high! 98% of customers would recommend us to a friend.
Save My Bacon is one of New Zealand's most trusted and popular payday loan service providers. You can apply for our loans on the calculator below. Why not see what we do and review the following links if you would like to find out more about us and how our service works.
Our loans are really simple. Fill out the calculator, fill out the 3 minute application form, and you could have the money in your account the same day.
For more information on our loans, why not check out our borrower information page.