How payday loans work varies from lender to lender. Each has their own set of pre-qualifying factors and their own system for applying. Each also has their own rates, fees and charges and their own policy on repayment and late payment. It is important to know how a lender operates before committing to any loan agreement as some are undoubtedly better than others.
Our own specific payday loans work through the following process of pre-qualification and application.
• You need to be a resident of New Zealand, and have a minimum income of $400 per week.
• You need to be at least 18 years of age
• You need to be in a permanent job, with an active bank account into which your wages are paid regularly via electronic transfer.
• You will require access to a computer and an active e-mail account. The whole process is online so computer access is essential.
• You need a mobile phone, for contact and also for security as to complete your application we send you a security code via sms.
That’s how the first bit works. If you meet all the prerequisite factors, then you could be well on your way to getting one of our loans.
The application process is as simple as this:
Use our Online Calculator to decide how much cash you wish to borrow and how many days you require it for. You can also select how many repayments you wish to use to pay back the loan. You will also need to enter the amount you are paid and the frequency of your wages, as well as when your next one is due. If your happy to continue you can then complete the simple application
Once you have completed your application, you will have the opportunity to confirm and review the terms and conditions as well as to sign your Loan Documents online. We will then assess your application for your financial ability and eligibility for the loan. Our decision process is quick as long as all the info we need is there, and we will also contact your employer.
If approved, the funds will be deposited directly into your designated bank account which can occur within the hour if there are no hold ups.
You then repay the loan on time as per the agreement. Funds are usually drawn automatically via direct debit on the agreed date for the agreed amount.
There really is nothing to it, and our own process is as simple as that.
Payday / short term loans that you can trust 100% are a friendly and reliable payday loan service with no confusion and no hassles. We lend to only employed New Zealanders. You can apply for our loans on the calculator below. Why not see what we do and review the following links if you would like to find out more about us and how our service works.
* Subject to Save My Bacon Ltd's right to request required information via fax, scanner or other paper means.